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Networked Rites & Morphic Fields of Compassion


By Dr Lila Moore © 2014-2015


Morphic Fields of Compassion are prototype electronic cyber fields embedded with compassionate intention through the activation of ritualistic art forms. Each field is the product of ritual and art performed by non-local entities and minds that together evolve an art and thought form. The field is generated by the five primary holons/channels of vision, sound, text, movement and intention.


The prototype morphic fields are designed to counteract the prevalent narrative of violence.  They are driven by a quest for art that manifests as a mind field, and technology that embodies active intelligence. This notion is best described by Roy Ascott's phrase: "Stop thinking about art works as objects, and start thinking about them as objects that think".


A thinking art field may ultimately occupy a different space to that of a museum, gallery or any ordinary sense of place. It may be invisible like a morphic field, visible in altered state of consciousness, or accessed by neurological triggers. Meanwhile, as an electronic media file and field, it may still impact directly those under its sphere of influence. The notion and function of thinking may be also radically transformed as networked communication increases in speed, efficiency and telepathic capacity.


Violence is a key character of the civilisation into which humans are being born today. It was hailed by the fathers of modern art, first the Futurists and then the Surrealists, who sought to assault the foundation of a world consciousness which seeded WW1 and WW2. However, Maya Deren boldly addressed the different agencies of modern art and science by comparing the destructive capabilities of science, represented by the atom bomb, to the flimsy attempts of surrealist artists to tear down bourgeois cultural norms. She postulated a ritualistic art informed by up-to-date science and technology and embedded within the transformative and healing blueprint of shamanic, religious and spiritual ceremonies.


To counteract the narrative of violence, art has to renew its contacts with the anarchic spirit of revelation that relies on communication with the realms of 'the other' and the experience of wandering in the unregulated fields of consciousness. This cannot be found within the safe confines of cultural establishments that are based on the same materialistic constructs that breed violence through mind control.


Morphic Fields of Compassion are rites that are not publicly performed. They are secret or undisclosed events involving participants only. The digital entity produced is embedded with group-mind DNA and field consciousness, which could be re-activated via repeated rituals. It is not an object but a thought form.



The notion of prototype Morphic Fields of Compassion which are generated through networked rites was first presented in public by Lila Moore in September 2014 at the I-Node of the Planetary Collegium Masterclass Becomebecome. After she was awarded with the 2014 ARA grant, she further developed it  in her subsequent presentations at the Athenian A-Club in January 2015, Next Nature Poster Exhibition at the I-Node of the Planetary Collegium in Kefalonia in April 2015, and at the Undivided Mind Conference of the Planetary Collegium at Plymouth University, UK in July 2015.



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