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Dr Lila Moore  








Dr Lila Moore is the founder of The Cybernetic Futures Institute (CFI), a networked platform and online academy for the exploration of technoetic arts and consciousness with an emphasis on the spiritual in art. She is an artist film-maker, screen choreographer, networked performance practitioner, ritualist and visionary theorist. The CI is based on a body of theoretical writing and creative practice which constitutes her post-doctoral project at Planetary Collegium of Plymouth University (2014-2015). 


Dr Moore holds a practice-based Ph.D. degree from Middlesex University in Dance on Screen (2001) and an M.A. in Independent Film and Video from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London. She researched film and the spiritual as Associate Research Fellow, London Metropolitan University and has been teaching B.A. and M.A. courses in Contemporary Spiritualities in Film and New Media, Film and Ritual as well as The Spiritual in the  Arts. She has presented her work internationally in academic conferences, cultural settings, art galleries and networked platforms and has curated film screenings and networked art. She is a UK-certified life coach.
















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